2022 Corn Maze

Tap or scroll mouse across picture for better maze viewing. If you see a star, tap or click to see the hint!

The theme for this year’s maze was music. As you can see the words incorporated into the maze were “corn mazes rock.” We could not agree more! Mike came up with the theme initially and then he worked with Cassie to get the design down onto graph paper. If you look closely, there are two “G’s” and “F’s” in this year's maze (the alphabetical letters along with music notes). The next part was coming up with the trivia questions. We tried to touch every genre of music while not having more than 20 trivia questions. It was not an easy challenge but we truly had fun designing this year’s maze. The animal trivia were pulled from some popular songs. The five animals were a horse (“A Horse with No Name” by America), tiger (“Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor), cat (“Cat’s in the Cradle” by Harry Chapin), reindeer (“Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” by Gene Autry), and lion (“The Lion Sleeps Tonight” by The Tokens).

2022 Sketch
2022 Sketch

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